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Command-line interface reference

The ShulkerScript CLI is a command-line tool for managing ShulkerScript projects.


Initalize a project at the specified path. Creates project files and directories.

Terminal window
shulkerscript init [OPTIONS] [PATH]
  • PATH: The path to the directory where the project should be created. Defaults to the current directory.


  • --force: Allow initalizing in a non-empty directory.
  • --name: The name of the project. Defaults to the name of the directory.
  • --description: The description of the project.
  • --pack-format: The format of the pack. Defaults to 26.
  • --icon: The path to the icon file. Leave empty for default icon.
  • --batch: Do not prompt for input, use default values instead if possible or fail.
  • --vcs: The version control system to use. Defaults to git.


Build the project at the specified path to the dist folder.

Terminal window
shulkerscript build [OPTIONS] [PATH]
  • PATH: The path to the directory where the project is located. Defaults to the current directory.


  • --assets <ASSETS> The path to the assets directory [default: ./assets]
  • --output <OUTPUT> The output directory, overrides the DATAPACK_DIR environment variable
  • --no-validate Skip validation of the pack format
  • --zip Package the output into a zip file

Environment variables:

  • DATAPACK_DIR The output directory [default: ./dist]


Terminal window
shulkerscript watch [OPTIONS] [PATH]
  • PATH: The path of the project folder to watch [default: .]


  • --no-initial Do not run the command initially
  • --debounce-time <DEBOUNCE_TIME> The time to wait in ms after the last change before running the command [default: 2000]
  • --execute <COMMAND> The commands (cli subcommands or shell commands) to execute in the project when changes have been detected [multi-arg, default: build]


Clean the output directory of the project at the specified path.

Terminal window
shulkerscript clean [OPTIONS] [PATH]
  • PATH: The path of the project folder to clean [default: .]


  • --output <OUTPUT> The output directory, overrides the DATAPACK_DIR environment variable
  • --all Clean all files in the output directory, not only the ones generated by shulkerscript
  • --force Required for --all to prevent accidental deletion of files

Environment variables:

  • DATAPACK_DIR The output directory [default: ./dist]